there are 30 boats parked in the charles just outside my window
from mccormick. they are surrounding the barge on which the
boston pops will be performing, off of which the fireworks will
be shooting, etc. there are barbeques everywhere, and the liquor
stores are open even though every other store is closed. the
american guy won the hot dog eating contest again this year,
apparently it had to go into overtime with a sudden death 5
hot dog challenge.
two of the wtp girls are wearing matching red white and blue, and
i've seen a ton of flag tshirts on my way from boston to central
square. all in all it looks okay, it drizzled for a while this morning
and the sky is a pretty reliable grey, but the fireworks should be
awesome. i can't wait to get to the senior house roof to see them.
so i scanned in some drawings, i haven't been drawing too often
since wtp started sadly, but here are a few.
Bitch of a Nation
ladies look like blue bonnets lined in a row. The amish walk in straight lines. And Ohio sounds like Iowa sounds like Illinois sounds just exactly the same as Nebraska.
I wish I was making meat with you because I prefer to eat nonmeat-meaty tasting things. I prefer sun dried tomatoes because they keep longer in the coolers. The days are long, but my legs have been stretching longer.
The fourth was full of oohs and aahs, as per the usual. Whatever. WTP and matlab, you can handle that. I hope your notebook is colorful. I hope your cheeks are colorful and you dream colorful.
Your language is colorful.
New York F of J was worse than predictable. Predictable would have been banal enough. This year the purveyors of annual fourths added a new bottom rung to the ladder. A bunch of nondescript singers belting out poorly sung
( and often lipsinked)melodies that seemed to cry " I'm patriotic" but actually said "Can I make it on American Idol?"
No matter.... a time of change may be upon us. Perhaps the near future will be a positive reflectionof human values and aspirations instead of a mirror of the recent past, ensconced in greed and cynicism and deception.
But no matter what happens....the drawings stand on their own as islands of........
Dah Noh Nih Mus
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