
sitting in matlab class

i never would have thought i'd be teaching matlab.  and i'm not, really, but i will be helping 20 girls do their matlab homework.  this is a big deal for me, having scraped a C in my only programming class and hating it the whole way.  turns out, the girl who is teaching me right now dropped that same class when she took it, and now she's flying.  just goes to show, classes suck.

last night all the girls except one played scategories over dinner.  at one point i said praline, with an ahhhhh sound.  one of the girls commented on my pronunciation and then said "i know all these WEIRD people who say prahhhline instead of prayyyline"

we all cried we were laughing so hard.  and then she said saulmon instead of saaalmon, and i felt better.

some tidbits of information:

-tj is back from japan and is driving to san francisco on thursday or friday
-the wtp girls come on saturday
-i found the key to my (brooke's) bicycle
-a black squirrel was eating food from my room on the balcony but didn't break the window screen but did knock over the instant soup bowls
-fanny found a raccoon on the roof
-christine moran's car door is rusted shut
-hanna wants to get a tattoo on her crotch
-gabe will take his dad's painting soon


love sadie


Anonymous said...

a tattoo of what?


sadie sosha said...

she was looking up things on the internet to decide. i thought it would be funny if she got pictures of stds tattooed on but i think she won't like that very much

Anonymous said...

or a trompe-l'oeil picture of another crotch. or some poems for people to read while they're down there.


sadie sosha said...

in case they get bored